What Is A Retail Merchant Account? If you’re a business owner, you possibly already know about. How essential it is to be able to approve credit and debit cards as repayment techniques from your consumers. Although we’re still quite a way off from ending up being a cashless culture. Today most American customers have either […]
Seasonal Merchants
Information on Seasonal merchant accounts A seasonal merchant account is exactly as it seems, a seller account that is just active for a part of a year. Organizations like firework stands, fruit stands, and seasonal tourist organizations can profit significantly from setting up a seasonal merchant account. Seasonal merchant accounts are not readily available via […]
Nonprofits and Payment Processors
Why Do Nonprofits Need a Payment Processor? One of the most usual factor nonprofits look for in a payment processor is to accept donations online. Without a payment processor, gathering internet contributions is tough, for most nonprofits. With a payment processor, nonprofits can approve donations from advocates in the United States. The majority of payment processors also […]
Electronic Checks
Information on Electronic checks – Accept online eChecks Electronic Checks Come Of Age The term Electronic checks or eCheck has a different meaning to different people, depending upon their frame of reference. For purposes of clarification, this article refers specifically to payments where the payer has instructed a business to collect payment from a checking […]
Non-Profit Credit Card Processing
Payment processing is a need for any nonprofit company, as you count on your donors’ gifts to advance your cause. With the rise in appeal of internet contribution forms, your benefactors’ monetary and personal details need to be safe and secure throughout an internet deal for your company. A payment processor is crucial for approving […]
Restaurant Credit Card Processing
Restaurant Credit Card Processing People like to use their credit and debit cards when they dine in a restaurant. Research shows that 75% of consumers use their debit or charge card when dining out at a restaurant. Credit and debit cards are an important settlement technique for customers. This is why, if youâre still operating […]
Stored Profile for Tokenization
Tokenization makes it more difficult for hackers to gain access to credit card data outside of the token storage system. Implementation of tokenization will simplify the requirements storing credit card data since the credit card information is never stored by the merchant. The User Profile feature allows the merchant to process returning customers without the […]
Risk Management
Fraud and Risk Management (FRISK) The proprietary FRISK risk management system from the Fast Charge Payment Gateway provides a sophisticated suite of fraud detection and prevention options. Each transaction submitted can be filtered through a comprehensive series of fraud detection rules to determine potential risk. Configuration of these rules is under your complete control using our user-friendly […]
Virtual Terminal Demo
Virtual Terminal: Turn Your Computer into a Credit Card Terminal Take an order by phone, fax, or mail. Then simply log into your www.FastCharge.com account and enter the credit card information. It works at your office, at your home, at a tradeshow, or anywhere you have Internet access. Your Virtual Terminal verifies the CVV2 code(last three numbers on the […]
Payment Gateway
Payment Gateway More Compatible E-Commerce Shopping Carts An internet payment gateway is an online commerce application service provider that authorizes payments for e-businesses, online retailers, bricks and clicks, and traditional brick-and-mortar. It is the equivalent of a physical point of sale terminal located in most retail outlets. Payment gateways protect credit card, debit card, and […]