Information on Minimum credit card processing fees If you have any questions about Minimum credit card processing fees please feel free to ask us! For Mail Order / Telephone Order merchants without a web site the Fast Charge Payment GatewayTM Virtual Terminal provides a convenient way of manually entering and processing credit card transactions. We’ve set […]
Category: Questions
Telemarketing Merchant Accounts
Information on Merchant account telemarketers We specialize in Telemarketing Merchant Accounts as well as telemarketing sales vendor accounts. We authorize virtually every business kind, even if you have been transformed down for repayment processing. With over 30 years of experience, our group is here to help. Do not hesitate, call us promptly for help. Our […]
Storing Credit Card Numbers
Keep credit card numbers and personal information confidential. Cardholders expect you to safeguard any personal or financial information they may give you in the course of a transaction. Keeping that trust is essential to fraud reduction and good customer service. Cardholder account numbers and other personal information should only release it to your acquirer or […]
Bait and Switch on Credit Card Processing
Information on Credit Card Processing Bait and Switch Some credit card processors play the old bait-and-switch game of advertising and marketing prices that seem as well good to be true. Finding these shysters is easier said than done because they will actually honor the reduced prices they advertise. Processors that use bait-and-switch aren’t coldly existing; […]
Information on Credit Card Interchange
What is Credit Card Interchange Fee The interchange fee is a term used in the payment card industry to describe a fee paid between banks for the acceptance of card-based transactions. Usually, it is a fee that a merchant’s bank (the “acquiring bank”) pays a customer’s bank (the “issuing bank”) but there are instances where […]
Setting Up WordPress Shopping Cart
Using a shopping cart in WordPress is getting very popular and we “DO HAVE” a very simple way for you to use the Fast Charge Payment Gateway. To determine if you can use Fast Charge just look at the cart’s Payment Gateway list and if you see as a gateway you can use the Fast […]
How Do I Connect My Shopping Cart?
As far as we know there are now over 5250 shopping carts that work with the Fast Charge Payment Gateway. Since there are so many please call us at 1-800-757-5453 and we can answer specific questions about your cart. The following shopping carts all work very well with Fast Charge: The GemCart The GemCart is a […]
Fastcharge Emulator
DESCRIPTION: The Authorize.Net Emulator allows merchants to use the Authorize.Net payment module that is available in most third-party shopping carts. Simply change the ‘POST TO’ URL within the Authorize.Net payment module to point to Fastcharge’s gateway and your account will be up and running Authorizenet emulation within a few minutes. INSTRUCTIONS: Locate the Authorize.Net Aim Payment […]
Certified Credit Card Processing Networks
Certified Credit Card Payment Gateway allows merchants to accept credit cards and other forms of payment in a secure, real-time environment, directly from their website, through Mobile devices, and directly from their place of business. Realtime authorizations ensure the validity and accuracy of each transaction and merchants get the added convenience of having funds deposited directly to their […]
Payment Gateway Integration
Integrating your System with The Fastcharge Payment Gateway Your e-commerce goals determine the transaction processing method or payment gateway you will use with the Online Commerce Suite. Various factors make a difference in how you integrate Online Commerce Suite with your e-commerce business, whether you offer products or subscriptions or both. Factors include: Do you […]