When To Upgrade Your Taxi’s Point of Sale Terminal
Ron Neurater | Posted on |
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In the midst of running a taxi business, transporting passengers to desired destinations, and running behind-the-scenes operations, it’s easy to let things fall on your priority list. For instance, there’s a chance you’re still using the first POS terminal you acquired during your humble beginnings.
Regardless of how many years ago you bought your system, one argument remains clear: the need for a new terminal. Ten years is quite a while to wait; you could be missing out on groundbreaking software and technology!
Here are some of the signs to look out for that tell you when to upgrade your taxi’s point of sale terminal.
Outdated Hardware
Considering it from a professional standpoint, updating old technology places your business at an advantage. At the rate of continuous technological advancement, the average POS terminal may become obsolete after five to seven years.
Additionally, new software may be incompatible with older hardware since earlier terminal models struggle to accommodate advanced functionalities.
If your POS terminal is on its last leg and functions solely with the help of tape, consider introducing a more convenient system option instead.
Outdated Payment Processing
The nature of doing business continues to evolve, and passengers look to use varying methods to pay for transportation. You could be losing revenue if your POS terminal doesn’t accept NFC payments.
It helps to work with a payment processor that prioritizes credit card integration and offers other in-house merchant services like Electronic Transfer. We provide top-of-the-line services for transportation business owners, including iPhone and Android terminals.
Limited Integration
Your point of sale terminal should have vast integration capabilities that make paperwork and other operations manageable. Constantly switching between different programs to complete accounting tasks slows down productivity and affects your transportation business.
Depending on your company’s needs, you can locate POS terminals with essential features to help streamline back-end operations.
Buggy Software
There’s nothing more frustrating than holding a POS system in your hand and questioning whether your passenger’s card payment came through.
Being in a constant battle with slow software that requires a continuous restart and rebooting is infuriating. Lagging systems tend to prolong the sale and hold up passengers who are most likely in a rush to get to their final destination.
Fortunately, user-friendliness remains at the forefront of industry standards, increasing the chances of acquiring simple, slick, and trouble-free taxi card payment systems.
Knowing when to upgrade your taxi’s point of sale terminal could be challenging at first. Many transportation business owners may hesitate to upgrade for several reasons. But when your system is causing problems and costing you more money than you’re comfortable with, it could be the start of a much-needed revamp.